Suggest Next Year’s Theme
Suggest a theme and Honored Guests for FOGcon 3 in 2013. http://fogcon.org/ideas-for-2013-theme/,
Suggest a theme and Honored Guests for FOGcon 3 in 2013. http://fogcon.org/ideas-for-2013-theme/,
The deadline to sign up for programming or vote for panels is February 17. Sign up today! http://fogcon.org/programming-sign-up/
Fifty years from now, people in Mars spaceports will buy you a drink because you volunteered at FOGcon. And others reasons to volunteer.
Essential dates in February and March all FOGcon members should know. Registration, programming sign-up, T-shirt ordering, and hotel reservations.
Order a FOGcon T-shirt today, and pick it up at the con. Stylish shirts featuring this year’s cover art come in sizes to 6XL for only $20.
Our friend and official staff artist Metaphortunate wrote: FOGcon is looking for programming suggestions. I am not involved in organizing this year’s FOGcon: except that […]
Now’s a terrific time to shop for plane tickets to FOGcon! I’ve found some really good deals when shopping for airfare around the holidays. The […]
If you’re a Bay Area college student, you’re eligible to enter the FOGcon writing contest. The contest is open to students currently enrolled at a […]
The FOGcon lightning is striking! Lurch off your slab and register now. Information about hotel reservations is not yet available, but we will let you […]
We’re excited to announce the dates, location, theme, and honored guests for FOGcon 2. The convention will be held March 30 to April 1, 2012, […]
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