Top Ten Reasons to Volunteer at FOGcon

  1. We few, we happy few, we band of siblings, share the simple pride of helping produce a wonderful literary SF/F convention.
  2. "Hey, baby, I volunteered at FOGcon" is better than most pickup lines I've heard.
  3. Fifty years from now, people in Mars spaceports will buy you a drink because you volunteered at FOGcon.
  4. Volunteers have much more fun.
  5. You'll learn the innermost secrets of the way a convention is run. Well, OK, maybe one or two secrets. But they will be juicy ones, like the use and meaning of blue tape, or how to keep the flow of munchies running smoothly in the consuite.
  6. There is no number 6.
  7. It's easier for volunteers to get to know new people and make sure they see their old friends.
  8. Volunteering is the first step to becoming a SMOF (Secret Master/Mistress/Magus of Fandom). You'll learn the volunteers' secret handshake, eye signals, protocol, and rituals handed down from ancient European noble houses and preserved by a few dedicated souls in each generation.
  9. Volunteers win an invisible propeller beanie and a virtual secret decoder ring.
  10. We need you. A few hours of your time can help FOGcon run smoothly this year and keep happening in years to come.

Volunteer! And if you've emailed before but not been answered, try again -- we had some technical issues.