Thank you to our Writers’ Workshop Leads and Participants

We just concluded another great FOGcon Writers' Workshop by Zoom. We gathered for a short discussion before breaking into two separate small groups of 3-4 writers and critiquing manuscripts that had been sent in ahead of time. The two groups were led by Catherine Schaff-Stump and by Cliff Winnig. Both have led workshops at our in-person FOGcons.

Cath Schaff-Stump writes fantasy for children and adults. She writes funny stories, dark stories, and everything in between. She is the author of the Klaereon Scroll series and the Abigail Rath Versus series. More of her fiction has been published by Paper Golem Press, Daydreams Dandelion Press, and in The Mammoth Book of Dieselpunk. You can find her online at Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, @cathschaffstump, and Follow Cath’s Kindle Vella serial The Autumn Warrior and the Ice Sword. Catherine was a finalist in the 2022 Next Generation Indie Awards for Horror fiction.

Cliff Winnig’s work appears on the Escape Pod podcast; in anthologies such as Many Worlds, High Noon on Proxima B, and the forthcoming Two Hour Transport 2; and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the Clarion (East) writing program and has taught writing workshops at science fiction conventions, including FOGcon. He hosts the SF in SF reading series and third Sundays for the B Cubed Sunday Morning podcast. When not writing, he plays sitar, studies aikido and tai chi, and sings bass in a local choral ensemble.