Code of Conduct


FOGcon is committed to offering an enriching convention experience as free from harassment as we can make it. We do not tolerate harassment within the FOGcon Community. For the purposes of this Code Of Conduct, the term "FOGcon Community" refers to FOGcon attendees, guests, dealers, vendors, and staff of the convention. We expect all members of the FOGcon Community to behave respectfully toward others and respect each other’s boundaries. Members of the FOGcon Community must also behave respectfully toward the facility staff and other patrons of the facility.

FOGcon events can consist of either in-person or online components, and this Code Of Conduct applies to all types of FOGcon events. Persons who are not permitted to attend FOGcon in-person events are not permitted at online events.

This Code Of Conduct applies in all spaces used for FOGcon events, including the hotel facility for the in-person convention and any online platforms set up for the FOGcon Community. Behavior outside these spaces, at times other than during events, or elsewhere online might also fall under these guidelines if the Concom determines that the behavior indicates a potential negative impact on FOGcon. Thus, while we are primarily concerned with addressing harassment during FOGcon events, we will also respond to FOGcon-related situations that might occur outside that space, for example in local shops, bars, restaurants, on the street, or in online contexts. We expect community members to respect other people and their boundaries in all convention spaces, including but not limited to programming, parties, the dealer's room, and the consuite.

The critical exploration of ideas is an integral part of FOGcon. However, as articulated in this Code Of Conduct, FOGcon is not an absolute free speech zone. Thus, just as each member of the FOGcon Community can expect their ideas to be challenged, it is also the case that each member of the FOGcon Community can expect a convention experience free of personal harassment or intimidation.


Harassment is not tolerated in any form regarding characteristics such as:
Sexual orientation
Medical status
Neurological status
Physical appearance
Religious observance or expression
Immigration status
Social class

The term "harassment" includes:
Offensive verbal comments related to characteristics such as above
Deliberate intimidation
Stalking or unwanted following
Policing of restrooms
Unwelcome photography or recording
Sustained disruption of talks or other events
Unwelcome attention
Deliberate false reporting
Inappropriate physical contact, assault, or battery
Images, audio, or physical acts which disrupt FOGcon

We recognize that matters related to both politics and religion are often contentious issues and that within the FOGcon Community there is a wide range of opinions. Members of the FOGcon Community are expected to act like mature, responsible adults and not harass persons based on their political or religious affiliations, nor may political or religious position be used as a justification for harassment. There is a difference between critical discussion of ideas and mean-spirited intimidation or harassment; please make sure that your expressions stay in the realm of critical discussion. In some situations a person may want to leave a conversation, in other situations some persons may want to curtail a conversation. Behaving like responsible adults and being aware of the situations of your fellow FOGcon attendees is expected. Certainly in this area, as in other areas, there are many subjective evaluations; we ask that as much as possible, please attempt to view each situation from a variety of perspectives. However, if anyone involved feels there is a problem or an unaddressed concern, please consult with the Safety On-Duty Contact. The Safety On-Duty Contact may or may not be able to correct every situation; however, at a minimum they can take a report of the concern as well as facilitate escalation of the concern to Safety Team Deputy, Safety Team Head or Concom as necessary.

FOGcon will not tolerate inappropriate behavior. Members asked to stop any harassing or inappropriate behavior are expected to comply immediately. Failure to stop is also considered a violation of this Code Of Conduct.


Reporting an issue can be done by any FOGcon Community member. Reporting can also be done by a person who is not a FOGcon member if the report relates to FOGcon in general or to a particular FOGcon member. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, observe any Code Of Conduct violation, or have concerns about any Code Of Conduct or Safety issue please contact a FOGcon Safety staff member or Concom member as soon as possible.

During in-person events, from the time that Registration opens on the first day of the event until the end of the last scheduled event, a report can be made in person to the Safety Lead, a Safety Deputy, or an on-duty Safety staffer who will be identified by a special badge that says “FOGCON ON-DUTY SAFETY CONTACT." The roster of on-duty Safety staff and contact information will be available during regular programming hours throughout the convention at Registration or at the Con Suite if Registration is closed (when the event includes a Con Suite).

If the event is online, or if for any other reason an in-person report is not suitable, a report can be made via email to at any time during the event or throughout the year. During regular FOGcon event programming hours, the FOGcon Safety Lead and Safety team will monitor this email multiple times a day. At other times this email will be monitored less frequently, so response might be slower. Online events may also have designated moderators who can be contacted through the online platform with safety or other issues.

If asked, the FOGcon Safety team will attempt to accommodate any request to change who is assigned for the report, contingent on the available pool of persons who can take reports.

The identity of person(s) making a report as well as any other personally sensitive information in a report will be kept confidential to the FOGcon staff members who need to know, as much as possible, unless or until First Responders, law enforcement, or facilities staff must be informed.

Reports should be as accurate as possible. Additional information may be added to an existing report at a later time by contacting the Safety Team. The person(s) making a report may indicate their feelings on the matter; however, any sanctions or expulsions will ultimately be decided by the FOGcon Concom.


The convention organizers may take any lawful action we deem appropriate after receiving a report of Code Of Conduct violation, including but not limited to warning the offender, expelling them from the convention with no refund, or barring them from participation in future FOGcon events. The Safety team may contact facility security or law enforcement if they deem appropriate.


All persons who volunteer for any activity related to FOGcon must maintain strict confidentiality of any information related to FOGcon attendees, guests, dealers, etc. which they may acquire as part of their volunteer activity.

All persons who volunteer for any activity related to FOGcon must maintain data security over all FOGcon data which contains personally identifiable, personal financial, or other confidential information.

All persons who volunteer for any activity related to FOGcon must alert the Concom of possible conflict of interest situations when identified.
FOGcon takes requests for confidentiality of persons making reports very seriously. However, in a situation where confidentiality is in conflict with addressing a Code Of Conduct violation, the Safety team might need to prioritize addressing the Code Of Conduct issue over concerns of confidentiality.

FOGcon will periodically review and update this Code Of Conduct and other policies as needed. Check the FOGcon website for the latest versions.


FOGcon Safety Email:
Walnut Creek Marriott: (925) 934-2000 (ask for hotel security)
Medical Help: 911 (emergencies only)
Police: 911 (emergencies only)
National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-4673
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255
Walnut Creek Taxi: (925) 435-6364

Last updated: 2021-03-08