FOGhorn 10.2

Dear FOGHorn Subscriber,

First of all welcome to those of you who just subscribed to the FogHorn (and it's nice to write to the rest of you who have been with us for a while!). We're writing to invite you to come along to the first meeting of the 2020 FOGCon CONCOM (Convention Committee, the team the brings FOGCon to life). We will have a meeting open to potential new CONCOM members on May 19th, starting at 2 pm and ending at 4 pm, at 2044 Franklin St in Oakland, about two blocks from the 19th Street BART station. These are the offices of East Bay 4 Everyone (in a building that was a bank).

If you want to join us in making FOGCon happen, come along and you can perhaps take on a role, big or small.

FOGCon Team