The Secret’s Out!

We've been keeping a secret from you: the identity of our FOGcon 2014 Honored Guests. At last the names can be revealed:

As always, FOGcon 2014 will feature our living Honored Guests in programming that they design for themselves. Nobody who was present will ever forget Nalo Hopkinson's hands-on exploration of folklore. Last year Susan R. Mathews gave every con member a new novella from the Jurisdiction universe--available nowhere else. We give our guests scope to do programming their own way. Why lock geniuses in to conventional forms?

In addition to the all-star Honored Guest lineup, we'll have all the events you've come to expect: the Unaward Banquet, child care, exciting panels, ConTention, a great consuite, a choice dealers room, a stellar writers' workshop, and readings from an array of wonderful writers. Not to mention LARPing, games, parties, friends, and great conversations in the halls. And we expect great things from this year's filking.

The FOGcon 2014 theme is Secrets, and these three writers all deal in very different ways with secrets in their work. (And in Tiptree's case, in her life.)  Our Honored Guests have written about the origin of the zombie plague, the connections between our world and the world of the Fae, the reasons never to play poker with Tarot cards, and the secrets of gender, computer/human interface, and signals intelligence.

As a discussion-centered con, we welcome participation from our members. We'd love to have you suggest programming and volunteer to help out. Later we will offer signup for participating in panels and doing public readings of your work. FOGcon 2014 welcomes ideas that explore the theme of Secrets, as well as panels, readings, and discussions on other topics.

Register today--everyone will want to come to FOGcon 2014.

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